Zoe Rigby RNT MBANT CNHC Nutrition and Lifestyle Medicine Registered Nutritional Therapist & Craniosacral Therapist
 Zoe Rigby RNT MBANT CNHCNutrition and Lifestyle Medicine Registered Nutritional Therapist &Craniosacral Therapist   

Craniosacral Therapy

 Craniosacral Therapy uses light touch therapy to listen to the bodies natural motions, in particular the membrane system and its fluids known as the Craniosacral system which houses the brain and the spinal cord responsible for nervous system function.   The craniosacral system has a profound effect on your endocrine system responsible managing your hormones which control so many bodily systems and its functions.

Craniosacral therapy assists the body and mind in balancing the nervous system.  Nurturing the bodies natural intelligence, settling the nervous system and helping let go off stress on an emotional and physical level can often bring deep shifts and stillness from the very core, supporting facilitation of the process of restoration and re-balancing , empowering the body to heal itself. 






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